Ruby scripts used to produce the files are available on my github page here.

Stats\Generated\Data folder
Armors, weapons, characters, spells data, statuses files can be find through this page now.
There are a lot of dupe entries currently (I named them _DUPE + random number), likely because the devs have to include the whole file again for a single change in hotfixes/patches.
Those dupes will be removed in the future, I intend to keep track of what was changed between patches.
This do not include all items because some of them are produced at the map-level, they are using stats from these lists but they change the name/description. See later below.

Parsing of the Dialogs files: dialogs root page
Still missing a lot of things but include flags, tags, and rolls.

Races and Classes

Levels Containers - Warning 15MB page, should list everything obtainable in containers (like chests), with the in-game name whenever possible.
Treasure Tables are shown each time, which takes a lot of space, for a drop rate explanation check Larian DoS doc here. Position are X Y Z, but Z is Y in-game, so use X Z.

New: Levels Characters (8MB). Those are characters that are defined in levels _merged files. With their trade table/lootable equipment.
What is available below need to be reviewed, the data is likely not up-to-date with current game version

Temporary quest file: resultat.txt

Levelmaps folder (refers to the mapping of character/monster/quest/thing level => value, not geography!)
ExperienceRewards (file in Shared seems obsolete, so I'm parsing only SharedDev)
LevelMapValues (some abilities scaling are stored here)

RandomCasts folder

Items missing in Stats\Generated\Data can be found in levels files. They are created for the level, they can overwrite parameters from the stats and template they're linked to.
From what I see the stats are always taken directly from another item, nothing added. To know the stats, you have to search the ID (Stats: WPN_Thing_A_0), the template is for apparences.
aka a weapon may use Weapon+1 template, if they don't overwrite anything it will look identical, but for the stats you have to look at the ITEM stats ID, not the one from the template!
I have filtered out everything which didn't have stats, then only items which have a localization string overwritten (name, description), sometimes the overwrite is identical to the original.
There are coordinates for the item but I have not checked if it match the game (using X and Z), I have not searched for what level is what, try to guess it or wait next week :p
Armor      / Weapon      / Object      / undefined
Unfiltered Weapons and Armors (show stuff as long as they have a non-empty stats): Armor no filter / Weapon no filter
In progress: Containers
InventoryList refers to TreasureList tables and I've not yet integrated that. Item List are specific items, you can see their ID under Name.
The hotfixes may have changed the content of some chests, I have not looked into that yet.

Companions reaction affinity list
Parsing of the dialogues files to find the answers (and the question related) which modify your reliation with your companions.
This is not perfect -I still lack some files and templates and that was not tested thoroughly-, but this is the bestthere is right now.