File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_SouthSpanCheckpointSign.lsj Synopsis: Signpost in front of the South Span Checkpoint
0:0 - *North - Wyrm's Crossing. South - Rivington.* uid: e692deec-d36e-4a1e-b1a2-69c256124851 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_SharessCaressUnderdarkPleasures.lsj Synopsis: Sign for the Drow Twins' room at Sharess Caress
0:0 - *Journey to the Underdark.* uid: 5f3e0202-5606-4234-80ea-ff2e4ed3b99a === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_SharessCaressNymphGrotto.lsj Synopsis: Sign for the Nymph's Grotto at Sharess Caress
0:0 - *Nymph's Grotto* uid: 804a8e85-8984-446f-9fc1-2692eb3b309f === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_SharessCaressElminsterLibraryPlaque.lsj Synopsis: Sign for the stern librarian's room at Sharess Caress.
0:0 - *Moan loudly in the library at all times!* uid: 47fccbc0-f513-488d-bb25-9ee3f5e84091 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_SharessCaressDevilDen.lsj Synopsis: Sign for the Devil's Den room at Sharess Caress
0:0 - *Devil's Den* uid: 58845260-01b8-46d0-9814-f8dd79a4af79 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_SharessCaress.lsj Synopsis: Sign for Wyrm's Crossing brothel.
0:0 - *Sharess' Caress.* uid: 46c4082f-8c1c-46ef-89e3-6bf7771f1901 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_RivingtonGeneral.lsj Synopsis: Sign AD for rivington.
0:0 - *Rivington General.* uid: 73fdf08d-b2e7-46ac-a2b6-ed0d0d7628f2 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_RefugeeCampDonationDriveBlackboard.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in front of the donation desk at the refugee camp
0:0 - *Attention! Donations desperately needed for refugees. Every copper helps!* uid: a03fc8d0-ef2c-474d-858f-9ae6630520e5 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_PotionShopSign.lsj Synopsis: Sign for Wyrm's Crossing Potion Shop
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_Tombstone09.lsj Synopsis: Tomb 09 in Open Hand Temple Graveyard
0:0 - *Nallo Esi. Grief and illness laid ruin, yet her heart held only compassion. The Broken God be with her.* uid: 0eec579c-2fab-4e57-bf5c-25c823ca1bec Node context: 'Nah-low, Es-ee' === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_Tombstone08.lsj Synopsis: Tomb 08 in Open Hand Temple Graveyard
0:0 - *Geshan Kerkaros. Built the Open Hand Temple. Gave all in His name. We honour their life and legacy.* uid: 6e29ee1b-13e7-4533-aea1-f3d1eb4cd52d Node context: 'Gesh-ann Kur-ka-ross' === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_Tombstone07.lsj Synopsis: Tomb 07 in Open Hand Temple Graveyard
0:0 - *Bea Gardenson. Gave her life protecting fellow refugees. May the One Who Endures shelter her.* uid: 3584c686-9cb7-47b3-871f-c85c7f6596a4 Node context: 'bee' === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_Tombstone06.lsj Synopsis: Tomb 06 in Open Hand Temple Graveyard
0:0 - *Alvynn 'Muffle' Fieldwick. Gave his fortune to the poor. Died in the arms of friends. He will be missed.* uid: 38ce582d-97bb-424a-9a76-59c917e9802c Node context: 'Alvin' === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_Tombstone05.lsj Synopsis: Tomb 05 in Open Hand Temple Graveyard
0:0 - *Millie Runbarrel. Killed by the cult of the Absolute. May Our Martyred Father shelter her.* uid: 52b14fbf-4fe5-46ce-8ec7-9e1b4a1f7ada === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_Tombstone04.lsj Synopsis: Tomb 04 in Open Hand Temple Graveyard
0:0 - *Unknown Child and her dog, who stood watch over her grave. May they be reunited in Ilmater's grace.* uid: 0ff9e6ee-121a-408d-b71f-0780a928a7b9 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_Tombstone03.lsj Synopsis: Tomb 03 in Open Hand Temple Graveyard
0:0 - *Brilgor. Fell to a plot of the Absolute - dying without cause. May he find peace with Ilmater.* uid: 055cb7fc-cda3-41ea-a8be-fca78947dbf7 === END NODE ===
0:0 - *Brilgor. Fell to anger and rage - taking Father Lorgan with him. May Ilmater forgive him.* uid: 59d7f813-c251-8b58-1c96-d180ed908ab0 - 0 Check flag(s) (Global): false - WYR_OpenHand_State_ValeriaKnowsBrilgorInnocent - Valeria knows that Brilgor is innocent === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_Tombstone02.lsj Synopsis: Tomb 02 in Open Hand Temple Graveyard
0:0 - *Mikel Hornkiss. Gave all to the lepers. Fell to the malady himself. He is a beacon to us all.* uid: b42c6d4e-0d44-4450-9cc3-c829e65212a5 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_Tombstone01.lsj Synopsis: Tomb 01 in Open Hand Temple Graveyard
0:0 - *Domenek Sunny. Lost himself to addiction but found peace in Ilmater.* uid: b5ea6706-fdbc-4384-b250-776d426c3f86 Node context: 'Dominic' === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_KitchenPlaque.lsj Synopsis: Plaque to the Open Hand Temple's Kitchen
0:0 - *Kitchen. Visitors - kindly keep to common areas. Food will be served at mealtimes.* uid: baf1e362-3508-4abd-8852-17ee5514cc9e === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_InfirmaryPlaque.lsj Synopsis: Plaque to the Open Hand Temple's Infirmary
0:0 - *Infirmary. Justice endures, even in suffering.* uid: 802adbc2-fb22-4e41-817a-c9194f6cf74e === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_OpenHandTemple_BelfryPlaque.lsj Synopsis: Plaque to the Open Hand Temple's Belfry
0:0 - *Belfry. Bell-ringers only past this point.* uid: ce6fc4d0-3e09-4b0e-a384-f4453571f1df === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_GortashOfficeBustPlaque_06.lsj Synopsis: Plaque Narrator AD for a head bust in Gortash's Office
0:0 - *This is a bust of the god Bane as he first appeared to Gortash in dreams, and was then described to a Rivington sculptor.* uid: 97b9012a-78f1-4a44-b78d-b12a143b7a15 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_GortashOfficeBustPlaque_05.lsj Synopsis: Plaque Narrator AD for a head bust in Gortash's Office
0:0 - *Dame Amafrey, the Orphans' Friend, founded several orphanages in the Outer City, as the Lower City was no place for children (and the Upper City declined to sponsor an orphanage).* uid: 2aec03c6-bd27-4a2e-ac7f-eb6881b4dd70 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_GortashOfficeBustPlaque_04.lsj Synopsis: Plaque Narrator AD for a head bust in Gortash's Office
0:0 - *Founder of the Flaming Fist. Later history is kinder to him than accounts from his time, which portray him as a cruel and hard-handed mercenary commander.* uid: f4bb4052-e7f7-429d-9b01-719953b78a4a === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_GortashOfficeBustPlaque_03.lsj Synopsis: Plaque Narrator AD for a head bust in Gortash's Office
0:0 - *Carric started from nothing, built a financial empire and founded the Counting House. He refused to mingle with the other patriars, saying, "They didn't want me when I was an urchin, and now they can't have me."* uid: 83fa5f65-ccee-4253-9860-e4bbfd5fcc4c === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_GortashOfficeBustPlaque_02.lsj Synopsis: Plaque Narrator AD for a head bust in Gortash's Office
0:0 - *Baldur's Gate ship captain Morgan Redlocks wed a man thrice her age. After the wedding, the groom suffered a heart attack. Redlocks converted his merchant ships into a pirate fleet.* uid: 101d6f24-338f-49db-b2cc-7a056cd34fd3 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_GortashOfficeBustPlaque_01.lsj Synopsis: Plaque Narrator AD for a head bust in Gortash's Office
0:0 - *First of the Bormul patriar family to start his own venture, Alec is the unscrupulous bastard who made their fortune in mines and vineyards.* uid: 3fc5c71c-2246-48c7-ac14-1268e6a9511c === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_FraygoFlophouse.lsj Synopsis: Sign for Wyrm's Crossing Fraygo's Flophouse
0:0 - *Fraygo's Flophouse.* uid: e37dcc28-d1d3-411d-aa30-f1cb498f318a === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_FlophouseBlackboard.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in Wyrm's Crossing Flophouse
0:0 - *Fraygo's Flophouse. Enter as strangers, leave as friends. No vacancies at this time.* uid: c7fadab0-1ab7-4d21-93d8-e2bb3a075b3d === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_EventPoster_SharessCaress.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard for Sharess Caress in Wyrm's Crossing
0:0 - *Cabaret here, featuring Rhol, the Despoiler! The highest kicks in Baldur's Gate, guaranteed!* uid: fe3601f3-d528-4697-a4fe-17dd65b49f0e === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_DanthelonDancingAxeDoorBlackboard.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in front of Danthelon's Dancing Axe
0:0 - *A hero is nothing without the right equipment. See Danthelon's Dancing Axe for all your adventuring needs!* uid: c25a773b-f85e-5497-d701-3f9c8d61c5c0 === END NODE ===
0:0 - *Carm's Garms.* uid: ab45bdb5-4cf1-4bca-a1cc-6a45b89de906 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_CarmsGarmMiniStandingBlackboard.lsj Synopsis: Carm's Garm small standing blackboard
0:0 - *Mulworm cendal, Icewind Dale strandling, and hoard scarab dye now on sale.* uid: c0d458e9-b82d-4aab-8c1b-0636c6e954a6 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_CarmsGarmMiniHangingBlackboard.lsj Synopsis: Mini hanging blackboard at Carm's Garm
0:0 - *Note to self - restock Ten Towns taffeta, and find an additional leather supplier. Incoming war = increased Flaming Fist orders.* uid: 74de4c78-514e-4c15-b7ea-47173d2b0b89 === END NODE ===
0:0 - *Repairs and alterations available. Note - clothing from Facemaker Fashion is not accepted. I don't have time for hopeless garments.* uid: 8df1a8a7-50b6-40d4-aaaa-e8c783806590 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_BlacksmithShopHangingBlackboard.lsj Synopsis: Hanging blackboard on the first floor of the Rivington General.
0:0 - *Flaming Fist - please speak to Blaze Portyr to avail of a special discount in thanks for your service.* uid: 0826750b-83f4-4d12-aa40-8c962e3caf4e === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_BlacksmithShopBlackBoard.lsj Synopsis: Standing Blackboard on the first floor of the Rivington General
0:0 - *Welcome the Rivington General, home to crafts by the ILLUSTRIOUS Gyldro Angleiron!! Speak to his ASSISTANT ONLY as Gyldro is SUPER busy!* uid: 42355c46-6776-475f-a9a4-bbed9aa8e0aa === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_BlacksmithHangingBlackBoard.lsj Synopsis: Hanging blackboard on the second floor of the Rivington General (weapon/armor shop) in Wyrm's Crossing.
0:0 - *This shopkeeper would like to remind everyone that Angleiron's crafts are the FINEST in the realms and worth EVERY COPPER.* uid: 59698199-0b62-4063-bcd8-24a110ca82b3 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_BlackSmithBlackboard.lsj Synopsis: Sign close by Gyldro at the Blacksmith shop
0:0 - *If you see this sign, that means you are TOO CLOSE to Gyldro Angleiron. His work must NOT be interrupted.* uid: 7df94035-6896-475a-bc58-8f9f6393eaf7 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_Blackboard_SharessCaress_04.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard for Sharess Caress in Wyrm's Crossing
0:0 - *Apologies, but the 'Stern Librarian' is away. Upon her return, she expects clients on their knees, a list of their transgressions ready.* uid: 959b684d-21c2-4fb8-bd00-0924b23700f5 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_Blackboard_SharessCaress_03.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard for Sharess Caress in Wyrm's Crossing
0:0 - *Try Hoots' Hooch now - a once-in-a-lifetime booze extravaganza!* uid: 12245411-d941-44e6-8df4-985cdf4268e2 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_Blackboard_SharessCaress_02.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard for Sharess Caress in Wyrm's Crossing
0:0 - *From decadent drow to whip-cracking librarians, we cater to all tastes. See Mamzell Amira for a full list of company.* uid: 05c7ccd9-86a0-4eff-9f20-fefd614be7c9 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_Blackboard_SharessCaress_01.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard for Sharess Caress in Wyrm's Crossing
0:0 - *Welcome to Sharess' Caress - where our libations and sensual indulgences restore even the weariest souls.* uid: a5048b3f-1e65-43d7-be04-74ba5b5e90d7 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_Blackboard_DanthelonDancingAxe_003.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in Danthelon's Dancing Axe
0:0 - *Every weapon, scroll, and elixir is crafted to the highest adventuring standards - and that's a Danthelon guarantee.* uid: 76125302-6ef9-4f6a-b1d9-0070683b46b4 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_Blackboard_DanthelonDancingAxe_002.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in Danthelon's Dancing Axe
0:0 - *Limited edition adventuring starter packs are currently out of stock. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.* uid: 5af713fc-aaee-49fe-bea3-4e42ec5dc90e === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_Blackboard_DanthelonDancingAxe_001.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in Danthelon's Dancing Axe
0:0 - *All deliveries must be addressed to Danthelon - Shop Floor. The cellar is currently closed to the public.* uid: 4fccfb76-5d2f-4188-942c-417eed243df8 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_Blackboard_BridgeBlackboard.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in front of the Steel Watcher guarding the entrance bridge of Wyrm's Rock Fortress
0:0 - *Steel Watchers in operation during the coronation of Lord Gortash. Please refrain from criminal activity, and be courteous to the Flaming Fists.* uid: 60528bd2-f5c8-486e-a2b0-b7f724c6d88d === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_BlackboardPotionShop04.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in Wyrm's Crossing Potion Shop
0:0 - *Don't know your weavemoss from your mugwort? Don't be shy, the ever stylish Horst is at your service!* uid: a1b089ec-efdb-4a18-908e-2aa49db80bf3 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_BlackboardPotionShop03.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in Wyrm's Crossing Potion Shop
0:0 - *The Velveteen Elixir cannot be held liable for accidents resulting from the improper brewing of alchemical solutions.* uid: 6e95caa6-5296-4a27-87ff-a5261092d97b === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_BlackboardPotionShop02.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in Wyrm's Crossing Potion Shop
0:0 - *A potion a day keeps Kelemvor away!* uid: 422161b9-298f-4e93-828e-967318bc0a98 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_BlackboardPotionShop01.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in Wyrm's Crossing Potion Shop
0:0 - *This season's hottest potions and ingredients now in-stock - get them while they last!* uid: b2200bc2-94c6-4838-bfbc-c78e8ac33a2b === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_BlackBoardDanthelonVelvetine.lsj Synopsis: Blackboard in between danthelon dancing axe and the Velvetine Elixir.
0:0 - *Downstairs: Danthelon's Dancing Axe. Upstairs: The Velveteen Elixir.* uid: f9ebb3f4-369a-ebb9-26ae-07652d3963d7 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_BlackboardBlacksmithSecondFloor.lsj Synopsis: Standing Blackboard on the second floor of the Rivington General
0:0 - *Angleiron blades are EXTREMELY SHARP (obviously), and WILL CUT YOU if mishandled. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!* uid: f2c55099-5313-4b28-a961-dabb7d5e8014 === END NODE ===
File E:\BG3_Unpack\Gustav_pak\Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Act3\Wyrm\Signs\WYR_AD_SwordCoastCourrier.lsj Synopsis: Sign for Wyrm's Crossing Post-House